Friday 1 February 2008

Tuesday 22 January 2008

By Micke

I'm no good at writing stories so i just put up the first time i meet this lady. I was in TBR and Nad had already left that guild when i joined it and not too long ago either i think since they were still talking about it in guildchat. But im one of those ppl that never really listen to others when they blame ppl for doing things without even hearing what the other has to say first since i know that all stories have two sides to it like the famous coin.
Well this must have been in my 35 - 40ish days since i was in STV at the time just outside the arena too as i remember, this Mage came up to me and said that i had a nice guildname and we talked about it for awhile and soon she said that she was Nad but now on her alt named Kalamesh (spelling?) so i started to ask about this that had happen and after we had our chat we kind of agreed that we should leave that behind and look forward. After that, my first meeting with Nad she has always been in my friendlist and now im here the third guild she has been/are in so maybe im stalking her who's to know Thanks for taking the time to read my memories of WOW <3

By Byzantees

A Return..

My Steed was weary from her long journey,the fog was drawing in on Stormwind & a cold bite of frost was upon the wind. I'd almost forgotten the grand nobleness of our fair city,but it felt good to be home.

As i passed the gates a lone figure was sat idly fishing off the bridge.
"I wondered when you'd return...old friend" He uttered as i approached.
As he turned to face me his cowl slipped back revealing the shock of green hair that i instantly recognised.
"and it is good to be back dear Micke" I purred.
He jumped down form his fishing place & looked at me.
"Nadia will want to see you, follow me"
As we walked through the streets of Stormwind, i revelled in the decorations that covered the city.Pumpkins on every corner, candles littering the cobbled streets. Hallows End was as good as reason as any for a celebration, and Stormwind always goes to the extreme to excite the locals.

We approached the Blue Recluse tavern.
"She awaits you at the bar, I'll take your horse to the stables for you"
"Thank you Micke,It is good to see you again".
He smiled as he led my steed away for some much needed rest, and disappered around a corner.
I took a deep breath and advanced. I walked up the steps like i had over a million times before and entered the tavern.
"Heeellllllllllloooooooooooooooooo" came a yell across the bar in the chiry cheery voice only a gnome can master.
"Hello Dear Leni!" I giggled "A pleasure to see you as ever"
Pink haired bobbed into view from behind a chairand finally Leni emerged. Behind her a Blonde Woman had turned to face me from where she had been sat having her meal. As i aproched her i glanced over her shoulder to her plate.
"Good to see you too Sabriel,Fel Tail Delight still as good as ever here then?"
She beamed at me "Of course,can i get you some?"
"Thank you Sab but i think i'll have some of those delicious burgers i have been craving"
"Coming right up" She called as she disappered to find the chef.
I heard a creaking on the stairs above me and a woman descended. A women i knew to be Nadiastorm.
"Good to see you back!" . "about time" she added with a wicked flash of humour.
"Good to see you to" i echoed
"Sit" she insisted and beckoned to a nearby table.
As i sat at the table to join her i could see Leni and Sabriel approaching, and the clanking of plate boots behind me, notified me of Mickes return.
Here i was again with my brethern.

" I have done much soul searching while i have been away and my Quest for Arch Druid Staghelm is complete.I am here once again to serve as one of the Danann".
Smiles erupted on the faces around me
"I have done much research on the evils athat infest Karazhan & i feel we have a duty to cleanse Azeroth of them".
"These are dark times, and a mighty foe for us"Sabriel interrupted.
"They are but shadows, that we the lights of Tuatha will chase away,we will fight long and hard and the wickness that haunts Deadwind Pass will fall to us" I added.
Nadia rose and grabbed her pint of ale.
"I can see your time away has served you well". She smiled"The Danann shall indeed stand united against our enemies,we shall learn every weakness & expolit it, One by One we shall fell the demons of Karazhan"
She raised her tankard high and looked around the table, finally resting on me.
"Welcome Back Byzantees!"
"Cheers" I said with a tip of my head to my Guild Master.
Yes i thought quietly, we are ready.

By Burlock

On a visit to the Thunderbrew Distillery I happened upon a stout looking dwarf who had this tale to tell:

"You're looking for a tale, eh laddie?" He waved his mug around, beer slopping onto the table. "I can give ya tales that'll put hair on yer chest jus' lisnin to. Ya know I've defeated just about every ruddy murloc on this planet, and more besides. But adventures are easily told, lad, and far too easily heard. No, I have a better story for you. It is a story of friendships formed. It is...well, you'll see...More drink Belm."
The innkeeper poured another mug of Thunder Ale. The dark liquid was cloudy when he set it down, then began to settle. I could almost see it reflected in the dwarf's eyes, as if his memory was beginning to fall into place in tandem. "I'm Burlok, by the way. A hunter by trade." I had guessed as much. A small puddle of drool had developed at my feet from the dwarf's pet wolf. It looked hungry.
"Well, let me see. It was many moons ago, before you were even born I'll wager. I was in the employ of a Night Elf called Nochtresis in Darkshire, working as a member of The Night Watch. He was the Grand Marshal of all of Azeroth back then. But he wasn't all there, if ya get me laddie? A bit too concerned with his herbs. I never did trust a herbalist. Mind you don't either, ya here? Well, he had some kind o' falling out with his female friend, see, and whaddya know the next thing I see the entire order is falling apart leaving me on me own slap bang in the middle o' Stranglethorn Vale. Now, I was far weaker at the time and just couldn't fight my way outta there alone. So I stayed there for months living with the great explorer Nesingwary. He taught me many things, so he did, but in the end I decided I had to leave him and that land behind. I joined another order but it was no use either.
So one day I found myself in the goblin town of Gadgetzan in far off Tanaris. Horrible place Tanaris. Full of goblins and trolls, mind you never trust no goblins. They care only about money and would slit yer throat as soon as look at ye. Believe me, I know. So, where was I?" The dwarf's story didn't seem to have a point, other than perhaps to warn me off talking to anyone or going anywhere...
"Ah yes, I was in Gadgetzan. It was Christmas, you see. And I was all on my own drinking some god awful excuse for ale they have out there. Never drink goblin beer. It's not fit for consumption. Stick to the good stuff here. So, I got talking to this girl at the bar, right, ah now, it's not what you think at all! I mean, she was human. No offence. But is there anything more unattractive than that? Didn't think so. So, she was pretty gone at this stage, I think she'd used all her one liners. Even the one about wearing the same clothes as her friends. So I was understandably looking for an exit. But then she said something that sparked my interest. They'd been having a guild meeting, she said. A discussion about direction.
Now, what was this? A guild that talked to each other? And seemed to be friendly and meet up to do things? Sounds good to me. So I got out me charm and charmed this Sabriel character into inviting me into that guild. And, ya know what lad? It turned out good, so it did. There's some great people there. TĂșatha DĂ© Danann, it's called now. Led by this one girl, Nadiastorm she's called. Not the worst human, I've ever encountered if I'm honest with ya. And I didn't think there were many decent ones. But, that's not all. Get this," he lowered his eyes and leant towards me, then bellowed as normal, apparently too drunk to control such trivialities as the volume of his voice "there's actually a couple of decent gnomes there too. I know, it's cracked. Completely. They're probably dwarves in disguise. But there ya are."

By Leni

I was only small, who am I kidding I’m always small. I was only young when I happened across the human. She seemed to know what she was doing. I had caught the train to Stormwind only that morning.. Never before had I left the cold and the snow around Ironforge, but that was the day. The day to move to new lands and meet new people. To find out what everyone was talking about when they returned to the Inn in Kharanos.

Stormwind was big I needed to find somewhere smaller, I followed the signposts and made my way to Goldshire and there I saw her all tall and confident. She approached me and asked me my name, “Leni” I said.

“Lovely to meet you Leni, I’m Kalamesh, sister of Nadiastorm.”

“I’ve heard that name mentioned in my homeland” I replied “ A great warrior if the tales are to be believed.”

“They are to be believed” Kalamesh replied “except she is actually a Paladin, easy mistake to make though if you are not sure of the differences”

“A leader of people, they say at home” I added.

Kalamesh smiled a look of pride in her eyes “She is that, young mage, she is that. Leader of the people of Darkstorm at this time, she has experienced much as a leader of people. Her first tribe that she learned her craft with exiled her, did not agree with her methods and her ways. She stuck by her people and a small band have formed their own new community, that is why we are here, we are recruiting”.

“Oh, I am not nearly experienced enough to be joining a tribe of people, I have many spells to master and many more to learn. I would look foolish in the midst of all these great people”.

Then I saw her, Nadiastorm, laughing with people by her side. They looked weary from battle but hopeful yet of great things to come. Thier weapons nowhere to be seen probably at the blacksmiths being repaired but replaced with drinks bought from the Inn. There was not a gnome amongst them, I felt awkward approaching these humans, so tall, so confident, so shiney in their finery and armour and even taller yet “Who is that?” I spluttered at the sheer size of one.

Kalamesh laughed as she pointed “Who Ellenor?” I gulped and nodded “Ah she is a night elf, a hunter.”

“Oh” I replied in admiration of one so tall.

As Kalamesh approached Nadiastorm and her friends, the leader turned, she hugged her sister and asked “ Who have you here Kala?”

“This is Leni” she replied “She is new to the area and worried that she will have no place in these lands”

“Come” Nadiastorm said putting her arm around my shoulders and thrusting me towards her group of friends “let me introduce you. These are only a few, but they are my closest allies and friends, I would trust them with my life, I have trusted them with my life.” Her eyes became distant, perhaps remembering friends no longer here, or battles to bloody to recall.

In turn she introduced me to them.

“This is my second, this is Ellenor” I smiled up at the night elf and bowed my head slightly “Pleased to make your acquaintance”.

“No bowing, young gnome, none of us are greater than the other” Ellenor replied.

Then to another human, wearing a beautiful gown, it sparkled as she moved in the sunlight and the stars around her hair were mystifying “This is Sabriel, our healer and priest.”

I was awestruck at how pretty she was, how beautiful her gown was and how calm and serene she looked “Hello” I stumbled “Please accept my apologies it is just you are so um shiny” I was embarrassed and awkward, she knelt before me and smiled kindly “Leni, it is an honour to make your acquaintance, if ever you need help, call on me I will help you” Then she giggled “To be honest it may be me that calls on you”.

I blushed “No, no how could I ever be of help to you?” She smiled knowingly “You will see, young mage, you will see”.

Then to another I was introduced, I had seen him before in my own lands he had helped me when I was learning, another hunter but this time a dwarf. Many find his turning still to difficult to talk of and so in my memory it will stay.

They welcomed me and took me into the warmth of the Inn. There were more of them still in here. “Come sit by me” said Sabriel.

Since that day in Goldshire, I have not looked back. I have lost friends along the way, but I have met more and the ones that stay they are the ones that I am bound to.

I am now in my third tribe, The Tuatha, it is home here. I am here because of these people, because of Nadiastorm, Sabriel and now Renvik and the truly lovely Byzantees. I have become experienced in my craft and also knowledgeable of the people around me. I have been placed in a position of honour and one that I am never sure that I rightly deserve. But this family have taught me many things. I return home to the land of gnomes once in a while, to keep me grounded. To remember that it is not about the glories of great battles and the rewards that we reap, but of the family and friends that I fight and play along side.

We are here fighting alongside our friends far too many to mention as I would be scared to miss any of them out. I am a gnome from humble beginnings who has been helped to great things by my family of Humans, of Dwarves and Gnomes, of Night Elves and of Draeni

By Hador

People looked at me and saw a tiny worthless gnome.
They laughed when they saw my gear which was a strange mixture of leather and cloth drops and I really didn´t have any clue how to play with my class...
It all changed when I was visiting hell itself when I got a PUG to Gnomer and I was so excited it was the first time for me in there and I had been trying to get a group for it for days. The group consisted of 2 low level players who, happily I noticed, were as just as nooby players as I was and were hopelessly lost in the cold world of Azeroth. Hopefully they managed to get forward and didnt have too many battle scars from hellish leper gnomes in gnomer who attacked us in big groups looking like little children in a Halloween contest with kitchen knifes in their hands.
It took a short while of time when 2 more players joined our ranks to challenge the horrors of Gnomer... A thick bearded dwarf hunter He-who-must-not-be-named who´s hair was as dark as a moonless night in Duskwood, and beautiful and fair night elf lady called Gweny who won my gnomey heart once and for all.
"I´ll help you," said the dwarf whos name shall not be said. . . He was a nice, friendly fellow those days.
"Y-you will?" I mumbled slightly lost in words for the gratitude which echoed through my heart.
"Of course we will," Gweny said and gave me a encouraging smile which pierced my heart.
"T-thanks," I managed to say and I was impressed to get two such a highly skilled and leveled players to join the ranks when our journey was destined to head towards the mechanical halls of Gnomer and to get my revenge against Thermaplugg who had assassinated my father, the king of Gnomer, and seized the power with the help of evil beings called the dark iron dwarwes who had their own secret agendas in mind.
Once we got in I was even more impressed and stood in awe when watching the anonymous hunter to kill the mobs with 1 blow with his gun and Gweny stabbing the poor leper gnomes to death with elegant fashion giving me that same encouraging smile time to time like saying, "That´s all there is to it".
And finally the final door to the heart of Gnomer came to our sight and the evil uncle stood on the otherside waiting for us with his endless bloodlust. Crudely figured, little midget who´s eyes glowed like two blood diamonds when he was using his robot which looked a rusty pile of medal with scissorhands in place to strike down its opponents.
Even with all his power Thermaplugg´s demise was as certain as flow of time when Gweny and the hunter and his tiger striked him down and I got my revenge.
Revenge is a dish best served in cold.
I thanked my helpers from the very bottom of my heart and was little sad to see them go leaving me all alone... again. But it was not the end. About a day later I noticed an add which was advertising a guild called DUTY and I remembered that my two mystery helpers were from that guild and I wanted to join. And so I joined and met you all. And people didn´t know longer saw a helpless gnome when they looked at me.

Something's Changed
It was a sunny, cloudless morning when i woke up and realised that I didnt fit well in to my bed anymore. It was too small and I noticed that the bed´s feeble legs had cracked under my weight.
What was this magic that I was facing? Surely you can´t grow up from a midget to a giant in one single night? Or had my memories of being a tiny gnome been some distant wonderful dream that had come to an end?
"Bloody hell I got a tail!!!" I yelped when I noticed a weird thing sticking from my blue-ish bum wiggling around like a rubber worm.
"Yeesh... hope I still got my good looks on the face department at least." I prayed and walked front of the dusty mirror which was hanging above my bedroom´s desktop drawer.
My prayers were not answered and it looked like someone had sticked an octopus to my face while I had been sleeping.
I tried to remove the squid from my face which felt like slimey gum. It didn´t even budge.
"Bah! That´s it!" I muttered angrily. "But surely my dancing hasn´t changed. I need it to pick up the prettiest ladies." I tried to do my dance which had spread fame in the world, but in my horror I only saw a big oddball doing a dance like he was some kind of drunken rodeo rider. This new personality of mine wasn´t picking up much of points from me so far, that´s for sure.

I ran out from Stormwind´s inn and was surprised to see a large number of other peeps to have gone through the same change as well and some of them were riding what looked to me like pink elephants... Maybe I was drunk afterall...
"Hello Hador," I heard a familiar voice from behind but I didn´t recognise the name she used and was sure that she wasn´t even talking to me. I turned towards the voice and to my, yet again, surprise she indeed was talking to me, but I didn´t recognise who the female squidface was (more charming squidface gotta add).
"Hello?" I said and the female stranger, but yet so familiar one, smiled to me and said like she knew at once what I was thinking, "Yes Hador... It´s me... Byzantees... Well known as Raen nowadays, but it´s me."
"My god what´s happened to you!?" I asked in terror leaving tactfulness behind and hoped someone could remove this terrible curse.
"Hmphf... Well could say the same thing about you mister." Byzantees´ snapped at me.
"Sorry..." I managed and lowered my head in shame staring to my feet. My god, I got hooves, I noticed and was wondering when the chain of surprises would come to an end. "But what´s happened to me? To us?"
"Oh you possible can´t say that you have forgotten all about it now, have you?" Byzantees, or Raen, asked and I let my silence speak for itself.
I felt like I was an ignorant fool.
"Oh for Naaru´s sake! You are a draenai now. Your gnome days are over and this is The burning crusade. Another shameless scheme from Blizzard to get your money and put a invisible lock to your house´s door."
"I´m a what now?" I asked. Byzantees/Raen looked like she was starting to get tired of explaining. Can´t blame her... Oh boy, I need a drink.
"You know... one of the sons of Naaru or whats-ya-call-it. Powerful magical race who´s main threat is the evil Illidan blah blah blah..."
"Oh... okay." I said simply.
"Okay?" Raen asked me in doubt that I had gathered it all. Oh yeah, I had gathered it, I was a draenara or something like that which main aim was to kill some dude called Illidan for the name of Narva... or something like that....
I found myself from a local bar few hours later... I told you I needed a beer... and I had found a first positive thing about being a draenina, or whats-ya-call-it? We out drink rogues to 10-0...
"Hmm... Maybe this isn´t so bad after all..." I thought and emptied my seventh ale of thunder ale... hic!

By HebrewHammer

west fall:
after a few skirmishes, the defias traitor reached the brotherhood's hideout, myself and aiko in tow.
"inform stoutmantle the location of the hideout" informed the traitor, as we turned our gazes, he was long gone.

aiko reported to stoutmantle, and recieved her next task.
"i need to to locate edwin vancleeve, and get his head, within the dead mines". aiko frowned regarding the head part..cant blame her.
today's marshals captains, leaders, or just soldiors want a gruesome proof for one's demise.
"lets hope he has more then one head, i need his bounty as well" i grinned.

dead mines: i made a promise for aiko, since she earned my trust, and i earned it too:
"when ever in trouble, or just for company, ill be there for you to protect you from harm.
i intend to keep that promise, as long as i draw breathe.

after long skirmishes and sword clashes, and various ring leaders fallen by our staff and mace, we reached one of the brotherhood's founders.

dark clothing as the night, sharp, malicous blades, vancleeve lurked in the dark corner of his HQ.
"fools, our cause is rightous!" glaring with fiery look, and a hard toned voice.
cleeve snapped his fingers, 2 of his elite gaurds revealed themselves.

"coward, bringing your friends as well? like you, they have long past redemption" aiko striked fear with words - seems words have power after all.
so much for peaceful talking...

few moments later, making sure the rivals put their focus on me, van cleeve and his elite gaurds, fell.
a letter revealed itself, seems unsent.
"seems we will have soon another adventure very soon".
aiko had an excited look on her eyes.

ah, nothing like brave adventures willing to go far from home, even if it leads to forsaken backwater like westfall.